Every brand wants better PR, being experts in Public Relations field, we now share 7 insider secrets which will really do the magic. Try these and that we are sure you’ll multiply the publicity you get.

Customise to suit the medium

The easiest thing to try and do while drafting a press release is to form a generic one and mail it off to diverse publications and media. Frankly, this is often not the most effective way to do things. as an example , if you’ve got a product targeted at women and made by a lady entrepreneur, once you write to a general interest magazine, it can specialise in the merchandise but if it’s a business publication, you’ll customise the release to incorporate some facts and figures about the business, the challenges faced by the entrepreneur etc., This customisation will increase the probabilities of getting good coverage.

Be easy to work with

Some companies think that keeping themselves a bit inaccessible will push up their demand and attempt to cultivate that aura. This might have worked for stars of yesteryears but won’t work for today’s media landscape where every brand is fighting to earn a share of the media space. ensure the brand’s spokesperson is readily available to the media.

Get some great clicks done

Photo-ops are an excellent way to get the publicity you would like . Be watchful for the proper opportunities, a click of the company’s employees celebrating Deepavali as an example and release just before Deepavali is probably going to get carried. Arresting visuals work wonders with newspapers and magazines who are always trying to find ways to decorate up their pages.

 Go digital with a vengeance

Everyone is up there in Digital Land, all it takes is for you to effectively reach out to them. Stay active on social media like FB, Twitter, Instagram and so on. ensure regular blog posts are posted as this keeps your audience engaged. the best advantages of the digital medium are that your message are often really well-targetted.

Co-branding can work wonders

Co-branding may be a smart way to get good PR for your company. hunt for a brand that enhances yours and features a similar audience . as an example , if you’re a pen brand targeting school kids, you’ll team with a notebook brand, together you’ll run contests and events. this may generate many interest and publicity.

Partner with a media house

Partnering with a media home is a really effective means to succeed in your audience . Try working with a FM station or with a channel . an occasion at a mall or maybe at large gated communities and apartments can work well.

Use testimonials and quotes

Client testimonials build credibility for a product like nothing else can. the higher known your client is, the higher the testimonial will work. Always confirm that your press release has quotes form the highest management or the spokesperson of the corporate . Quote make a really strong statement and increase the likelihood of coverage.

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