Capgeminiin India todayannounced the launch of Tech Challenge 2021, the eighth season of its unique hackathon designed to identify the best programmers from across India. This hackathon invites passionate developers and tech enthusiasts to leverage their skills to design innovative solutions for a sustainable future, aligned to Capgemini’s purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for a sustainable and inclusive future.
The contest is open to all tech enthusiasts across India who possess a knack for innovation and disruptive technology. Interested candidates can participate by registering online on the Capgemini Tech Challenge website.
This year contestants will participate in intense challengesacross4 key areas:Development;Cloud;Digital Technologies;and Insights and Data.Tech Challenge 2021 will also feature dedicated regional tracks specifically for students and freshers, which will run for onemonth; the top 20 candidates will qualify directly to be part of the Tech Challenge finale. Additionally, Tech Challenge 2021 will also invite participation from the NASSCOM 10000 start-ups community.
Tech Challenge has seen a tremendous increase in participation of tech programmersyear-on-year, with 7.5 Lakh registrations so far over the past sevenyears. Last year, Tech Challenge saw close to 250,000 registrations with 35% of the total registrations coming from femaletech enthusiasts. 2020 finalists competed to develop solutions to address mobility challenges for people with special needs, including thosewith disabilities and elderly citizens.
The winners of Tech Challenge 2021 will be selected based on their final presentations involving the use of emerging technologies to design innovative solutions and prototypes. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to win numerous Tech Challenge and Campus prizessuch asSkill Track Winners, Referral Winners, Fastest Finger, Top 5Language Coders, Zone wise winners, Social Coder, and Top Women Coder.
The contest is now live, and registrationis open until July 19, 2021.
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