Chennai, Pongal, the 4-day harvest festival of Tamil Nadu marks the beginning of the Tai month in the solar calendar. From houses decorated with phool-malas and kolams, the celebrations are dominated by family get-togethers and traditional delicacies (including the dish called ‘Pongal’ itself) being prepared to mark the occasion. Women often compliment their traditional sarees with nature-inspired jewellery designs.
This festive season, flaunt traditional jewellery with a ‘modern’ twist. Set new trends and look elegant with looks that ought to be a part of your wardrobe to celebrate in style. Festivals always play a vital role in our tradition. Considering this, Kalyan Jewellers offers you the top 5 traditionally designed jewellery, exquisitely crafted and available at our showrooms across the country.
Kalyan Jewellers offers an extensive range of collections – from temple style Nimah to handcrafted antique jewellery Mudhra to gorgeous diamond jewellery ranging from uncut designs in Anokhi to Solitaire-like diamonds with Ziah and daily wear jewellery Hera or precious stone jewellery Rang.
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