Chennai, June 24th, 2021: Liver Transplant on a newborn is rare and unheard of in the Indian community. That what has happened to Baby Aryan in 2019. Owing to a rare metabolic condition by births, baby aryan was rushed to Rela Hospital when he was 4 weeks old and the transplant was as performed on him on the 42 day of his life on the earth. After the period of early stabilisation of Baby Aryan, the donor profiling was done. The mother of aryan couldn’t donate as she had a cesarean section delivery and his father’s then medical condition didn’t permit him to donate. That’s when baby Aryan’s maternal uncle decided to be the donor. Today, as we celebrate baby Aryan’s 2nd birthday, the entire family of Sayani joined us on a zoom call with Prof. Mohamed Rela and Dr. Naresh Shanumgam, thanking them for giving Aryan his normal life. Aryan, then and now, continues to the youngest Indian to have undergone a liver transplantation.
Reminiscing of the past, Mrs.Sayani the Child’s mother said, “ It was the Mumbai rains then and we were very doubtful of reaching the airport, leave alone flying to Chennai and it was such a tough time when we had to manage the logistics and ensure Aryan had constant o2 support. We are only praying to reach Rela hospital safely and sooner.” “We are thankful to the doctors as Aryan flew back to his home in September 2019 for the first time after fighting the big battle. The only piece of advice from the team at Rela Hospital was on his food habits & personal hygiene. my gratitude to them for giving new lease of life to my child and for wising my baby on his second birthday” added Mr. Sayani
The warrior of the transplant, the donor who is the maternal uncle of Aryan – Mr.Ashesh Shah said, “Once got to know I will be the donor and Dr. Rela analysed all my reports and said there wouldn’t be a better match. I thought this is a lifetime opportunity and where I could do a deed of saving a life and I felt so lucky to be a donor and I proudly show off the surgical scar”
Prof Mohamed Rela, Chairman and Managing Director of Rela Hospital, said “The child came to us when he was one month old and was diagnosed with Urea cycle defect. In Aryan’s case, the enzyme that converts ammonia to urea was missing in his liver which is a metabolic disorder in which, the only remedy was a liver transplant. There was a general belief by many clinicians and patients that liver transplant cannot be done when the child is so small. This child, Aryan was around 3kg in weight and we performed the transplant successfully and ensured he leads a normal life like another child” added Prof Rela”.
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