By Catalyst Public Relations Pvt Ltd

Who ever said that press conferences need to be a series of boring speeches and PPTs? To grab the attention of the press and engage it, use technology and you will be surprised at what a big difference it can make. Why send out printed invites? Watzapp a gif invite or an interactive invite, saves time and gets attention.

There are many new innovative ways that technology can be used topep up press meets. Interactive touch kiosks can add an element of novelty to the venue.

VR & AR Conferences anyone?

Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the technology trends that are sure to be used in a big way in the press conferences of the future. The advantage is that brands can save a lot by hosting virtual conferences. Instead of having to fly in journalists and reporters from all corners of the globe to attend a press conference, all one needs to do is just get them to attend by slipping on a VR headset. This will not only save huge amounts of money but also create a real experience.

One of the most amazing ways in which VR was used was at the 2016 Olympic Games which was held at Rio de Janeiro.  At British House, the U.K.’s official residence at Rio 2016, Olympic gold medal-winning rower Helen Glover created history as she took part in the first live 360 VR press conference. This was a completely new experience for fans who felt like they were in the same room with her as she answered questions.

VR is ideal for occasions like brand launches where these can wonderfully demonstrate product attributes, features, functionality and more. This allows plenty of scope for creativity.It helps you gain a wider audience.

Holograms of brand ambassadors are a great way to engage the audience especially when the person is unable to come. This also provides plenty of photo-ops. India’s PM Modi successfully used his holograms to script a win.

Augmented Reality (AR) like VR is another emerging technology. While VR needs headsets, AR does not need any. It blurs the gap between reality and a computer-generated environment. Graphics, sounds and smell to the natural world can be added making it virtually come alive! This should create a very exciting experience at press conferences.

Using visual language for better impact

Did you realize 90% information transmitted to the brain is visual and visuals are processed 60000 X faster in the brain than text? This is the reason that making high impact presentations that harness the advantages of the latest technology can make a difference.

Interactive Infographics is an emerging area and can provide information to people using infographics which are more easily understandable. The interactive component can be created with embedded questions, embedded youtube videos and so on. Live chats also help.

Creating a mobile app for a brand helps in delivering customised content updates on the product, offers and more. It also helps in improving brand loyalty.

Technology is growing every day. It’s up to each brand to become an early adopter and reap the benefits.

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