Originally published in 

For years, there has been talk about how the future of print is at stake. The naysayers have been calling it a dying medium. However, we beg to differ, print today has changed, rather transformed to accommodate the tastes of the new breed of readers. 

The style for one has changed. Instead of verbose, content heavy editorials and articles, we now have articles with simple writing that one can breeze through. There is a greater focus on layouts and images than ever before. 

Newspapers have started bringing out supplements on fashion, wellness, careers or seasonal specials. These value adds are almost micro-magazines of their own. They inject the spirit of freshness into the life of newspapers and readers look forward to them.Another trend that’s being seen in the print media is that general magazines are slowly giving way to niche magazines. The one-size-fits-all approach to a magazine is shifting to domain specific magazines.  Some magazines target hobbyists such as yachting and art magazines. There are others that target communities specifically or a lifestyle such as luxury magazines. 

A successful PR campaign is all about identifying the right target magazines for each brand and promoting it there. This creates true value for all the stakeholders involved. Today, the name of the game is not about bad mouthing print but rather finding the best setting for a brand.

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